About Family Pens
More and more people decide to keep more than two cats and sometimes you will be asked to house a whole family or perhaps a Queen with her kittens. Whether you plan to breed cats or have a boarding cattery, having the option of an extra-large pen is always a good idea.
The downside to having a 5ft, 6ft or larger unit, is when it is not needed as a family pen – you are wasting precious space. We have the perfect and most cost-effective solution to this by fitting an interconnecting door between two of your 4ft pens. When the door is fixed back on itself, you open up a huge double pen measuring 8ft wide with the choice of two sleeping compartments. Of course, once your family of cats checks out… you simply close the door and you are immediately back to two 4ft pens, thus maximising your space and your income. We do manufacture a lot of 5ft and 6ft pens. These are to hold a family of 3 or 4 cats and look especially good in the corner of an L shaped cattery. You can always market these as premier suites, putting a higher price on them when only being occupied by one or two cats. You will find that many of your customers are happy to pay the higher premium for the luxury accommodation. |
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